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Blogpost 9

Three people and experiences. Well there have been a lot to be thankful for but I'll try and narrow it down.

Person 1: Jose. He's hands down carried this project. Picking up my slack when I had family emergencies and keeping us on time. He's also just a great friend to be working with. It fun putting up first ascents wit him, hiking around looking for boulders to climb. He's not the strongest, but he's one of the most determined. I've seen him finish a climb he first started two years ago, a motivator for sure. He's got good attitude, vibes, and psyche. I've said it before and I'll say it again, there's no one I'd rather put up first ascents with.

Person 2: Aspen. She's been a great help, also being really understanding of my predicament. She came up to Whitney for a second time with me and Jose, and basically was our personal photographer which really helped us put together our guide. We hauled her all around the Lone Pine and she didn't complain once and for that I am grateful.

Experience 1: I guess this is more of a light-hearted experience. But Jose dropped me into a ice cold river. I was hanging over the river from a rope and called for slack, he didn't give me enough which caused me to swing and then suddenly I was dropped and I went in. While at the time I was upset, and I still am a little salty, It caused me to go out of my comfort zone. Swimming in Whitney I never actually had the courage to just jump in. Because of Jose's inability to belay me I kinda fulfilled a dream. It was refreshing and kinda of like a kick to my brain we were doing things that people hadn't done before.

Experience 2: The second experience was working at Le Stats at 1am. I've worked late before, but it's been math for a college class, kind of like a do or die situation. i'd never been working that late on a self pushed project before. It was like a little preview of having an enjoyable job. Where sometimes if you want something to come out nice you have to put in the extra hours and work hard into the night. I don't know why but that is another experience I am thankful for

About Me.

I'm a student at High Tech High International and a dedicated rock climber. I love learning new things, and pushing my limits in sports and in education.

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